If parents move to a new home in a new town, they will need to find a Children’s Dentist Redding to care of their child’s teeth. When visiting a new dentist, the child may be a bit fearful about the situation. To help alleviate any anxiety the child has, several steps can be taken before the appointment date.
It is a great idea to take a trip to the office beforehand. The child would be able to get a sneak peek of the interior of the building, and they would meet the workers before the day they get their teeth cleaned. This will help them feel more comfortable with the prospect in seeing the dentist as they will already have some familiar faces in mind. Make sure the dentist introduces themselves to the child at the time of the visit.
A parent can bring the child along to watch as they get their own teeth cleaned. This will allow the child to see what the process involves. They can sit off to the side in the room and observe the procedures as they are performed. They can ask the hygienist or dentist questions at this time as well.
Preparing the child at home is also important. Make sure to have the child practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing at least twice a day. Consider having the child watch some children’s movies about going to the dentist or read some books about tooth care to them to help prepare them for their big day. Encourage family and friends to ask the child how they feel about going to the dentist. They may open up to someone else about any fears they have. It is also a good idea to have others tell the child what to expect on the day of their cleaning. They may start to become excited for the appointment to come.
When a new family to the area is in need of a Children’s Dentist Redding, they can call a few in the area to find one that seems to fit their needs. Call or visit Moore & Pascarella Dental Group today for a wonderful location to bring children for their regular check-ups as well as any problems they may have with their teeth.