It’s not always easy to tell when a person’s mouth is having problems. It can be even more challenging to tell if the problems require oral surgery. Some of the signs it is time to look into Oral Surgery Services Allentown PA can be found here.
Tooth Loss
It doesn’t matter if a person has already lost a tooth, or if they have a severely damaged tooth, it may be necessary for them to have Oral Surgery Services Allentown PA. This may be necessary to remove the tooth before it causes further problems.
While not all restorations are going to require surgery, it may be necessary for one that lasts. For example, dental implants which require a titanium post to be placed in the individual’s jaw bone. A person’s dentist can help them determine if this is necessary.
Inadequate Bone Density
If a person wants to get dental implants, but they have lost a large amount of their jawbone density, it may not be possible without restoring the density. This can be done with a bone grafting procedure. This is when the bone is built up or bone is added to the jaw using the person’s own bone, from another part of the body.
After the bone is fused to the jawbone, then the implant can be put in place. Keep in mind, though, the bone grafting procedure can take between three and four months to complete.
Wisdom Teeth
When a person’s third and final molars come in, they can result in discomfort and pain. Some people aren’t able to leave their wisdom teeth in place. If they erupt through the gums, it can make the area more prone to gum disease and decay.
Wisdom teeth may also grow in crooked and put pressure on healthy teeth, resulting in further damage. If a person is dealing with fever, pain, swelling or another sign of infection around the wisdom teeth, they should have it removed.
When it comes to oral surgery, there are several reasons it may be needed. More information about these procedures can be found by reaching out to the staff at Nurture Dental Health or by taking the time to Click Here.